Our Joy Journey - Random Acts of Joy Ideas

We have had so much fun so far doing random acts of joy this month!

One of the things I feel like God is showing me is how much He loves to shower His love on us. But because God does not have actual hands and feet here on this earth, He uses PEOPLE to be His hands and feet. Isn't it neat that God chose to partner with PEOPLE to show His love? What an exciting opportunity :) Realizing this really makes me want to steward His call on my life so very well. My prayer is that people are drawn to and wooed by their loving Father through these random acts of joy. And that the hopeless will be given hope. And that the lonely will know that they are noticed and not alone. And that the frazzled person will get the fresh breath of air that they need. And that the depressed hearts will turn to JOY!

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Our Joy Journey - Spreading Joy One Day at a Time

Happy November everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful October, and I hope the Fall weather is bringing warmth and joy to your heart!

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you know that I did a 31-day challenge to celebrate my birthday last month! The challenge was to find something to celebrate each day of the month, and to fully embrace it and be thankful for it. I am usually not quick to do any sort of 31-day challenge or to overpost about my birthday, but this year was different.

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The Beautiful Ugliness of Refinement.

I am completely out of my comfort zone. What comes naturally to me is studying and reading and growing intellectually. Never before have I had to run a household. Never before have I had to take care of children. Never before have I had to clean a house and do a million little chores. Never before have I had to meal plan and grocery shop and make decisions about vaccines and be awakened in the middle of the night for several months at a time. Never before have I had to give myself selflessly in the bedroom. Never before have I been so stripped of time to myself.

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Proverbs 31 - Week 2

I always viewed the Proverbs 31 woman as a recipe for failure, so I basically wrote her off as being "an impossible goal" to attain. But through this study, the Lord really showed me that He is not asking me to be perfect. He has instead placed a guide before me and a goal to work toward, and that this is something that is to be worked toward through the duration of a lifetime. Too many times as women we write off the Proverbs 31 woman, but knowing that ALL Scripture is God-breathed, I believe this is something that God really wants us to look at! And like I said before, perfection is not the goal! The goal is to become more and more like Christ little by little, day by day.

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