Embracing My Now

So God has done something very cool in my heart the last couple of weeks! To be real, for the longest time I viewed my family as a hindrance to the calling that God put on my life. I wanted to be on the front lines of fighting human trafficking and traveling around the world with Trice as missionaries for Jesus. With “Achiever” as my #1 strength, my bucket list and to-do list were ever growing. After having Emerson, I tried to set aside my dreams for a little while, and I thought I was doing a good job… and then I had Etta Jayne! Having a new baby again comes along with no me-time whatsoever; and having two kids means less energy and time that I have to pursue my dreams and visions. The last few months, I lay in bed at night so frustrated because I kept waiting for my BIG moment, and it seemed that my family just kept. getting. in. my. way! I know it sounds awful, but hey, I’m just being real!

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Learning Towers

Hands down one of my favorite purchases for Emerson thus far has been our Learning Tower. When I first heard about these, I knew we needed one! Basically, it is a tower that you can pull up to your countertops that your kids can safely stand in and, well, learn! Instead of pulling a chair up to the counter and potentially falling off, Emerson can scoot his tower wherever he wants to go safely. 

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The Motherhood Journey

I went and spent some time with my friend Kari a couple of weeks ago. Kari is a huge role model of mine. She is an amazing wife and an amazing mother to 5 beautiful kids. [Check out her blog HERE.] I couldn’t help but wonder what Kari’s magic secret was to parenting her kids so well. So while picking her brain about different topics ranging from spanking to baby schedules to education, Kari said something that really blew me away. She said that parenting is a journey. All parents are on the journey, whether we are in the baby phase trying to choose between breastfeeding and formula or in the adolescent phase trying to decide between public school, private school and home school. There is no cut and dry perfect formula to being a parent. As Kari told me, 1 + 1 does not equal 2 in the parenting world. It is all a journey, there is no magic secret, and we are constantly learning what ideas and techniques work best for our family.

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Toddler Chores

Here in our Headquarters, we don't believe a child is ever too young to start learning about responsibility - specifically in the area of chores! Etta Jayne is just shy of 5 months old and is already responsible for vacuuming the floors... Okay, I kid I kid. She is only responsible for eating, sleeping and pooping :) But Emerson on the other hand started helping with little chores probably somewhere around 18 months. We have always made it a point to involve him with housework, even before he could do a lot of the things himself. We want him to know that he has an important role to play in this family.

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