Eliza Grace's Birth Story

Eliza Grace's Birth Story

I know for some people, they try for months and years upon years to get pregnant. For us, this has never been an issue. Emerson was a surprise, and Etta Jayne was, well, a one shot wonder :) With Eliza, however, this was the first time we were "trying" to get pregnant, and it took 4 months for us to be pregnant with her.

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Morning Devotions With a Preschooler and a Toddler

Morning Devotions With a Preschooler and a Toddler

If you didn't know this about me, I am an extroverted introvert... meaning that I can manage pretty well in a room full of people, but I need my alone time. In fact, I crave alone time. I know I know. I seem outgoing and bubbly - and that is true to a certain degree. But ever since I could remember, I have always needed me time. 

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Confessions of a Minivan Mom: Mom Anger, Guilt & Shame

Hello blog world!! It has been waaay too long since I have written last. I have had all kinds of things to write about, yet no time to do it. Since I last wrote, we found out we are having baby #3 in August, we sold our house and bought and moved into our new one! Today, my sweet hubby finally had some off time so I was able to get my hair done (hadn’t been done since December… yikes!) and he let me have the rest of the day to myself. He asked me what time I would be home, and I told him not to put that kind of pressure on me ;)

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Bravery. Courage. Holy Confidence. Valor. Warrior.

These are the words that the Lord has weaved in and out of our life in 2015.

The year started with so much promise. We were so excited to see what the Lord had in store for us this year. We went on our Vision Retreat, and wrote out a plan and expected the Lord to help us meet every goal and fulfill every plan that we had made for the year.

But then the attacks started...

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