Darling, You Were Meant to Flourish

Darling, You Were Meant to Flourish

In 2016 I remember reading a headline about a young mother who took her life in the Target parking lot a few cities over from me.

According to her family and friends, this mom looked fine on the surface. Nobody noticed that anything was "off" with her, but this mom was obviously struggling so much that she thought the only way out was to take her own life.

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Our Joy Journey - Spreading Joy One Day at a Time

Happy November everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful October, and I hope the Fall weather is bringing warmth and joy to your heart!

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you know that I did a 31-day challenge to celebrate my birthday last month! The challenge was to find something to celebrate each day of the month, and to fully embrace it and be thankful for it. I am usually not quick to do any sort of 31-day challenge or to overpost about my birthday, but this year was different.

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