Two Heads are Better Than One.
/So, it is true. We are having another baby! I am about 9.5 weeks along and my due date is November 17. EXCITING!! And we thought it would be fun to make a little announcement to share the news to our friends and extended family. My sweet friend over here in Texas, Danielle Birkbeck, snapped this cute picture of my cute boy and put together this cute little graphic! Thank you Danielle! And we had to use our name as a pun of course :)
I was so tempted this time around to just tell everyone in a non-fun way, but my husband reminded me of how much I love to make things cute and creative, and you don't get pregnant every day. So he encouraged me to come up with something cute!
I thought I would share some of the other creative ways we have used to announce that we are having a baby.
When I got pregnant with Emerson, I immediately called my older sister Katherine, and she helped me come up with a cute way to tell my parents. We all went out to dinner, and in the middle of dinner, the waiter came to the table and said to my parents, "I have a special delivery here for you." It was a little to-go box with a cute little tag, and we acted like we had no idea who it was from. When they opened the box, a picture of our sonogram was inside! They immediately thought it was Katherine, who then pointed to us and said it was us! My dad immediately started to cry, and my mom was overjoyed! This was such a fun, inexpensive, easy yet SPECIAL way to tell them.
With this pregnancy, distance made things a little harder. But nonetheless, we did our best! We FaceTimed my parents and chit chatted for a little while, then we had Emerson hold the pregnancy test up so they could see it. My mom thought it was a thermometer, but my dad immediately knew what it was. They freaked out again and got super excited :)
Then we texted a picture of the test to all my siblings with this note, "Yes! I passed my test with an A+!!" That got some fun reactions!
We had Trice's family over to my parents' house and we made up a random game where you ask a question, and everyone writes down their opinion, and then the best opinion wins... random? Yes. So my mom was the question asker, and after asking five or six questions, she asked, "What do you think Trice and Sarah should name their child in September?" It took them a little while to understand the question, and then it hit them and they were very excited!
With this pregnancy, Trice's family just so happened to come in town for Easter! So we had everyone to our house for a fabulous Easter dinner, and when Emerson woke up from his nap, we had changed him into a shirt that said, "I'm the Big Brother!" He walked out and surprised them all :) The next day we went out to dinner with some of Trice's extended family, and had Emerson's shirt on under a button up. When the food came out, we took off Emerson's button up so that it "wouldn't get dirty." And then they found out too. It has been fun to use Emerson as the little announcement maker!
A little note on the shirt -- you can purchase shirts on places like Amazon that say big brother, but we decided to just use a little $3 shirt from WalMart and some iron on letters. Saved us about 10 buckaroos :)
"You mean to tell me THAT's what my shirt says?!"
For Emerson, we posted this picture to Instagram and Facebook saying, "You know... there's a bun in the oven!" to let the whole world in on our little secret. I didn't have an actual bun, so we figured this would suffice :) We got a lot of chuckles and a LOT of congratulations.
For this current pregnancy we posted the "Two Heads Are Better Than One" picture above. This was also a super fun way to announce it, except some people were confused and thought I was having twins!
There are a million other precious ideas out there to make your announcement to the world. I hope you enjoyed reading over ours! I would encourage everyone to take the time to think up something creative when making a big announcement -- it makes life so much more fun and the reactions are priceless!
If you have any creative stories on how you announced pregnancy or anything else fun in your life, please feel free to share them!
XOXO, Sarah